Crossing one more item off his "honey-do" list on Valentine's Day morning, Carman Peltzer lugged old computer monitors, printers, keyboards and processors from his trunk to a nearby trash bin in the parking lot of St. James Episcopal Church.
Peltzer, who retired in October, said he finally had time to tackle the pile of old computer parts in his basement he's been collecting since the mid-1970s.
Peltzer was among half a dozen area residents lined up to take part in an electronics waste collection day at the church.
The church charged participants $20 to cover the expense of recycling older TV screens and $15 to recycle computer monitors. Everything else was free.
Jeannie Pellicier, a church member and volunteer, said members of a St. James environmental stewardship group got the idea of such a collection after learning about the nation's switch from analog to digital television signals.
The switch had been set to take place on Feb. 17, but was delayed by Congress earlier in the month until June 12.
St. James had an electronics waste collection day in January, and about 60 people from three counties showed up to unload old TVs, DVD players, digital scanners, stereos and other items, Pellicier said.
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