From Albany-
The Rev. Nigel Mumford: Director of healing ministries for the Albany Episcopal Diocese, based at the Christ the King Spiritual Life Center in Greenwich, Washington County.
Background: 55. Originally from Plymouth, England. He was a drill instructor with the British Royal Marines. Visited the United States in the 1970s and immigrated in 1980. He was ordained a deacon in the Episcopal Church in June of 2005, and was later ordained to the priesthood in December 2005. Has been at the center in Greenwich for five years.
He has written several books on healing ministries including "Hand to Hand: From Combat to Healing" and "The Forgotten Touch." He lives in Greenwich with his wife, Lynn, and has two grown stepchildren.
How does your ministry work?
We have a healing service once a week on Tuesdays and a soaking prayer service on Wednesday where we pray over those who need healing. We also have a prayer team of 37 people who pray for those who need healing.
How did you come to the healing ministry?
My sister had dystonia, which is a very unusual disease. Her body was crippled and stuck in the fetal position, but eight times a day, all her muscles would spasm. She was expected to die, but a man prayed for her and she got better almost immediately. Witnessing that miracle changed my life.
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