From The London Telegraph-
The news that 100 traditional Anglican parishes in America are joining the Ordinariate is yet another indication that Pope Benedict’s scheme is beginning to take off, and it led me to a recent speech by Bishop Peter Elliott, Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne, who helped persuade the Australian branch of Forward in Faith to vote to convert en masse.
Bishop Elliott is a world-renowned liturgist whose work is admired by the Pope. “The Anglo-Catholic”, a traditionalist US website, has the text of his address to FiF Australia, and I learned more from it about the Ordinariate than I have from any other non-papal document.
Including this rather startling fact: according to Bishop Elliott, members of the Ordinariate are perfectly entitled to call themselves “Anglican Catholics”. Here’s the reference:
… while legally being Catholics of the Roman Rite (i.e. “Roman Catholics”), the distinctiveness of the Anglican patrimony — which is much more comprehensive than mere liturgical deviations from the norms of the Latin Rite — will truly justify the appellation “Anglican Catholic” for our people.
More here-
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